
 Valentino Beauty Pure

(780)513-0405 or 1-888-513-0405

#1 9701 84 ave

Grande Prairie, Alberta

Light Works Esthetics

Why Valentino Beauty Pure?

Whether you are applying acrylic, gel, polish, or giving a regular manicure then the Valentino is a must have to begin your dust free life!

Valentino Beauty Pure, Where Beauty Meets Health Dust Free Life! 

What is the Valentino Beauty Pure?

The Valentino Beauty Pure GEN III S is a 2 in 1 at the source air filtration system for your salon, spa, or beauty school. It works at the source eliminating nail dust and odour from acrylic or gel systems. It filters out even the finest nail dust particles while filing and applying your acrylic or gel!

How does it work?

The Valentino Beauty Pure system works by utilizing a very high quality filter and fan. The filter contains 200% carbon. What does this mean? This means that all the odors from the products you are using all day in your salon or spa are absorbed by the carbon. The system also uses a very powerful fan that can be adjusted from a high speed to a low speed and anywhere in between to set it to your desired level.

Why should I be using a Valentino Beauty Pure?

As you probably know when you are working in a salon or spa you are surrounded by odours and chemicals all day long. Some of these chemicals used in the salon or spa have been known to cause health problems. By using the Valentino Beauty Pure system it absorbs these chemicals at the source. Another issue in the salon or spa is the nail dust which can also affect your health.

How do I get it?

So after all this you want a healthier, cleaner environment for your salon or spa? You can order by phone at: 1-800-513-0405 email us at:

Why Should I Be Using Valentino Beauty Pure's Signature Filters?

Valentino Beauty Pure has filters custom made for the Valentino Beauty Pure GEN III S and Flush mount. These filters are specifically designed to absorb dust and odor. These filters must be used to ensure that your Valentino Beauty Pure works properly. Our specifically designed filters come in a 6 pack. Filter change is recommended every 2 to 4 weeks depending on use. The filters must also be emptied in between clients as they collect a large amount of nail dust after each use.


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